Opus no.: S. Op. 32
Publication data: #L. 32 n.d.
No. of pages: 14
Description of source: First printed edition
Cat. no.: Ly045-047
Titles in collection: 3 Click [+] to expand
No. in collection: 1
Title: Khristos voskrese
Title (translated): Christ is risen
Opus no.: [S. Op. 32, No. 1]
Arrangement of: Znamenny Chant
Liturgical designation: Troparion of Pascha
Voicing: SATB
No. of pages: 1
Cat. no.: Ly045
No. in collection: 2
Title: Plotiiu usnuv
Title (translated): In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep
Opus no.: [S. Op. 32, No. 2]
Arrangement of: Melody from the Obikhod [Bulgarian Chant]
Liturgical designation: Exaposteilarion for Pascha
Voicing: S(div)A(div)T(div)B(div)
No. of pages: 2
Cat. no.: Ly046
No. in collection: 3
Title: Da voskresnet Bog
Title (translated): Let God Arise
Opus no.: [S. Op. 32, No. 3]
Arrangement of: [Znamenny Chant]
Liturgical designation: Paschal Stichera
Voicing: SA(div)TB(div)
No. of pages: 11
Cat. no.: Ly047