Contribute Material
Improve the Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library by Contributing Material
The Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library (OSMRL) is founded on the principles of accuracy and authenticity ensured by the use of reliable sources. In most cases, these sources consist of digitized copies of first printed editions prepared in the composers' lifetimes and under their supervision. (In the case of composers who lived in the early nineteenth century and earlier, when such sources are not available, later printed editions have been used.)
While every attempt has been made to represent each composer's works in the most complete way and in the best copy quality, in some instances, copies of certain works were not available, or were available in copies of less than optimal quality. If you have access either to a score that is missing or to a copy that is superior in quality from that on the website, you can help improve the OSMRL by completing the form below and submitting it to the Project Director. Upon receipt, your contribution will be reviewed and posted. If desired, your name will be listed among the contributors.
Your Support Is Invited
You can also help support the Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library by making a tax-exempt (in the US) contribution to the Orthodox Choral Heritage Foundation for the ongoing technical and administrative maintenance of the OSMRL.
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