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Liturgical Category: Great and Holy Saturday
73 results found
When Thou didst descend
Op.37, No. 9
Resurrectional Troparion (T.2) at Matins of Great and Holy Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Dedication: To the blessed memory of V. S. Orlov
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi
The Angel came to the myrrh-bearing women
Op.37, No. 10
Concluding Troparion at the Matins of Great and Holy Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Dedication: To the blessed memory of V. S. Orlov
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi
Do not lament me, O Mother
Op.37, No. 4
Ode 9 (and Festal Hymn to the Theotokos) on Great and Holy Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Dedication: To P. G. Chesnokov
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi
Priidite, ublazhim Iosifa prisnopamiatnago
Come, let us bless Joseph
Op.37, No. 7
Sticheron sung during the veneration of the Shroud on Great and Holy Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Dedication: To the blessed memory of S. V. Smolensky
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi
No. 10 - Bog Gospod'... i Blagoobraznyi Iosif
God is the Lord... and The Noble Joseph
Op. 58, No. 10
Bulgarian Chant
PJu #36040 n.d.
First printed edition
No. 13 - Da molchit vsiakaia plot'
Let all mortal flesh keep silent
Op. 58, No. 13
SATB-SATB (divisi) and Alto Solo
PJu #36043 n.d.
First printed edition
“Bog Gospod’” i “Blagoobraznyi Iosif”
“The Lord is God” and “The noble Joseph”
Bulgarian Chant
First troparion at Holy Saturday Matins
Free supplement to the journal Khorovoe I regentskoe delo, No. 8, Saint-Petersburg, G. Shmidt, [1912]
Bog Ghospod' i tropari v Velikuyu Subbotu na utreni
God is the Lord and troparia on Holy Saturday at Matins
S.Op. 11
Bulgarian and Znamenny Chants
V. Grosse #A.9 K. 1898
First printed edition