Composer: Vladimir Rebikov
Title: No. 10 Posle vozglasheniia: Tvoia o Tvoikh [Tebe poem]
Title (translated): After the exclamation “Thine own of Thine own” [We hymn Thee]
Voicing: SATB
Publication data: PJ #34412, 1900
Description of source: First printed edition
No. of pages: 2
Cat. no.: Re010
Collection: Liturgiia sv. Ioanna Zlatoustago
Composer: Yaichkov, Dmitry
Title: Tebe poem
Title (translated): We hymn Thee
Opus no.: S. Op. 8
Publication data: PJu #21548 n.d.
Description of source: Not found
Remarks: Not found
Cat. no.: Ya008