Problema dostovernosti i utochneniia pozdnei znamennoi notatsii kontsa XVII-XVIII vekov

Zvereva, S. G. <Svetlana Georgievna> (1956- )

Problema dostovernosti i utochneniia pozdnei znamennoi notatsii kontsa XVII-XVIII vekov

The problem of trustworthiness and accuracy in deciphering late znamenny notation from the 17th and 18th centuries

Vserossiiskii festival' "Nevskie khorovye assamblei": materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii "Proshloe i natoiashchee russkoi khorovoi kul'tury"

The All-Russian Festival "Nevsky Choral Assemblies": Proceedings of the All-Russian Scholarly and Practical Conference "The Past and Present of Russian Choral Culture"

Conference proceеdings




Moscow: Vserossiiskoe khorovoe obshchestvo (The all-Russian choral society), 1984