Obuchenie maloletnikh pevchikh Pridvornoi kapelly v 1826-1837 gg. (po materialam RGIA)

Zingarenko, A. A.

Obuchenie maloletnikh pevchikh Pridvornoi kapelly v 1826-1837 gg. (po materialam RGIA)

The teaching of young singers in the Court Singing Chapel from 1826 - 1837 (from materials in the RGIA)

Muzykal'noe nasledie Rossii: istoki i traditsii. Sbornik statei molodykh muzykovedov kafedry muzykal'noi etnografii i drevnerusskogo pevcheskogo iskusstva

Musical heritage of Russia: origins and traditions. Collection of articles by young musicologists from the Department of Musical Ethnography and Old Russian Singing Art

Article in collection




St Petersburg: 2001

1826-1837; Court Singing Chapel;