Izvestiia o muzyke v Rossii i Muzyka i balet v Rossii XVIII veka

Staehlin, Jakob von (see also Shtelin, Iakob von, Stählin, Jakob von)

Translated from German with an introductory article by B. I. Zagursky; Edited and with a preface by Professor B. V. Asafiev

Izvestiia o muzyke v Rossii i Muzyka i balet v Rossii XVIII veka

Information about Music in Russia and Music and Ballet in 18th Century Russia




190 p.

Leningrad: Triton, 1935

Originally published in German in J. Joseph Haigold’s, Beylagen zum Neuveranderten Russland, (Riga and Leipzig: 1769-1770)

Staelin also provides the names of the more outstanding singers in each voice part