Ob atributsii pesnopenii kievskogo raspeva v mnogoraspevnom kontekste ukrainskoi pevcheskoi kul’tury XVII-XVIII v.

Shevchuk, E. Iu. (see also Shevchuk, O. Iu.)

Lozovaia, I., ed.

Ob atributsii pesnopenii kievskogo raspeva v mnogoraspevnom kontekste ukrainskoi pevcheskoi kul’tury XVII-XVIII v.

On the attributes of Kievan chant hymns in the multiple-chant context of Ukrainian chant culture of the 17th-18th c.

Gimnologiia: Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi Konferentsii "Pamiati protoiereia Dimitriia Razumovskogo" (Trudy muzykovedchekogo kongressa po sluchaiu 130-letiia Moskovskoi Gosudarstvennoi Konservatorii)

Hymnology: Papers of Musicological Conference "Archpriest Dimitry Razumovsky ad memoriam" (Proceedings of the Musicological Congress on the occasion of the 130-th Anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory)

Article in collection



Moscow: MGK; Kompozitor, 2000