Shabalin, D. S. <Dmitry Semionovich> (1945-2020)
Belonenko, A. S., ed.
O deshifrovke gruppy edinoglasostepennykh znamen perioda ot serediny XV do serediny XVII v.
On the Deciphering of a Group of Monophonic Znamenny Chants from the Mid-15th to Mid-17th Century
Vserossiiskii festival’ "Nevskie khorovye assamblei". Materialy Vsesoiuznoi nauchno-issledovatel’skoi konferentsii "Proshloe i nastoiashchee russkoi khorovoi kul’tury"
All-Russian festival: "Neva choral assemblies." Materials of the Аll-union scholarly research conference "The Past and Present of Russian Choral Culture"
Conference proceеdings
Moscow: 1984