Znachenie sistemy tserkovnogo peniia v funktsionirovanii otechestvennoi khorovoi kul’tury: (K voprosu o prichinakh krizisnykh iavlenii sovremennosti)

Krastok, L. M.

Frantova, T. V.

Znachenie sistemy tserkovnogo peniia v funktsionirovanii otechestvennoi khorovoi kul’tury: (K voprosu o prichinakh krizisnykh iavlenii sovremennosti)

The Meaning of the System of Church Singing in the Functioning of Choral Culture in the Russian Homeland. To the Question of the Causes of Contemporary Crisis Phenomena.

Otechestvennaia kul’tura XX veka i dukhovnaia muzyka: tezisy dokladov Vsesiuznoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii

Russian culture of the 20th century and spiritual music: theses put forward in papers from an all-Union scientific and practical conference

Conference proceеdings



186-187; 215 p.

Rostov-on-Don: 1990