Konotop, A. V. <Anatolii Viktorovich> (1937- )
Novoe tolkovanie putno-demestvennogo znaka "Э"
A New Interpretation of the Putevoi-Demestvenny Sign "Э"
Starinnaia muzyka v kontekste sovremennoi kul’tury: Problemy interpretatsii i istochnikovedeniia. Sbornik st. : Materialy muzykovedcheskogo kongressa (MGK, 27 sentiabria - 1 oktobria 1989
Archaic Music in the Context of Contemporary Culture: Problems of Interpretation and Source Studies. Collected essays, International Congress of Musicology (MGK, 27 September-1 October, 1989)
Conference proceеdings
Moscow: 1989