Konotop, A. V. <Anatolii Viktorovich> (1937- )
Frantova, T. V.
Nekotorye osobennosti razvitykh form demestvennogo mnogogolosiia XVII veka v ego sviaziakh s fol’klornym pesnetvorchestvom
Certain Features of the Advanced Forms of Seventeenth-Century Demestvenny Polyphony in Its Connections with the Creative Processes in Folk Songs.
Otechestvennaia kul’tura XX veka i dukhovnaia muzyka: tezisy dokladov Vsesoiuznoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii
Domestic Culture of the 20th century and Sacred Music: Abstracts of papers at the All-Union Scholarly and Practical Conference
Conference proceеdings
70-71; 215
Rostov-on-Don: 1990
17th c.