Konevskii, M. F. <Mikhail Ferapontovich> (priest)
Istoricheskiе svеdeniia o bogosluzhebnom penii v vetkho-zavetnoi, novo-zavetnoi, vselenskoi i v chastnosti russkoi tserkvakh. S dobavlennem kratkikh svedenii o prepodavanii tserkovnogo penii v nachal’nykh shkolakh i organizatsii pevcheskogo khora.
Historical Information about Liturgical Singing in the Churches of the Old Testament, New Testament, the Universal Church and in Particular Russian Church. With the addition of Concise Information about the Teaching of Church Singing in Elementary Schools and the Organization of a Church Choir.
1897, 1900
55 (68 pages in the 2nd ed.)
Nizhi-Novogorod; Moscow: 1900
Schools; History of Chant; biblical times