Iasinovs’kii, Andrii
Yurii Yasinovskii: Bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk
Yuriy Yasinovskyi: a bibliographical reference
Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Ukrainskoho Katolytskoho universitetu, 2004 Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 2004
Bibliography; Biography; Musicologists
_x000b_from p. 2 The bibliography of Professor Yurii Yasinovskyi, well-known musicologist, historian of the Ukrainian musical culture and researcher of the monuments of Ukrainian sacral music, is dedicated to his sixtieth anniversary. Fro the first time, the printed works of the scholar from 1973-2004 as well as literature on his scholarly, administrative and editorial activities are collected in this book._x000b_