Ob ustavnykh, kompozitsionnykh i muzykal’nykh osobennostiakh china Sreteniia Gospodnia v XVI v.

Gundarova, Iu.

Ob ustavnykh, kompozitsionnykh i muzykal’nykh osobennostiakh china Sreteniia Gospodnia v XVI v.

Concerning the liturgical, Compositional, and musical features of the office of the Meeting of the Lord (Feb.. 2) in the 16th century

"Brazhnikovskie" Chteniia

"Brazhnikov's" Readings

Conference proceеdings


Moscow/St Petersburg (to be announced): 2001, S.Pet. State Conservatory of Music, Museum of Music at the Sheremetev Palace: Musical Review 5 (209) May 2001

17th c.dramatic representations; liturgical drama

The conference is divided into the following sections:_x005F_x000b_(1) Istoricheskie i Kul’turnye realii vremeni Ivana Groznogo Historical and Cultural Realia of the times of Ivan the Terrible_x005F_x000b__x005F_x000b_(2) Problemy poetiki drevnerusskikh pesnopenii The problems of the poetics of old Russian chant_x005F_x000b__x005F_x000b_(3) Analiz pesnopenni The analysis of chant with questions of musical methodology)_x005F_x000b__x005F_x000b_(4) Problemy muzykal’noi teorii The problems of musical theory_x005F_x000b__x005F_x000b_(5) O soderzhanii i zakonomertnosti razvitiia devnerusskikh pevcheskikh khig On the editing and the confirmity to natural laws of the development of old Russian chant books_x005F_x000b__x005F_x000b_(6) various concerts planned