Gerasimova-Persidskaia, N. A. <Nina Aleksandrovna> (1927-2020)> (аlso Herasymova-Persyds’ka, N. O. <Nina Oleksandrivna)
Rol tserkvy v muzychnykh reformakh kintsia XVI- pochatku XVII st.
The role of the church in musical reforms of the end of the 16th to the beginning of the 17th c.
Z istorii ukrainskoi muzychnoi kultury. Tematychnyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats (Kyivska konservatoriia im. P. I. Chaikovskoho)
On the history of Ukrainian musical culture. A thematic collection of scientific works (Tchaikovsky Kiev Musical Conservatory)
The role of the church in the musical reformations in the end of XV- beginning XVII c.
Kyiv: Tchaikovsky Kyiv Conservatory of Music, 1991