Dolskaya, Olga
Russian Liturgical Choral Aesthetics: Its Past in Tradition and Present in Ruins.
Kansas City, MO: Conservatory of Music-Univeristy of Missouri-Kansas City, 1999
This book is sold with 2 tapes of musical quotations; contains some 462 notes with chapters on (1) Early Singing and the Chant Tradition, (2) The Rise of Polyphony and the Choral Tradition in the 16th and 17th Centuries, (3) Stylistic Currents in the 18th Century, (4) The Rise of National Expression in the 19th Century, (5) The Moscow Synodal School, and (6) Distinguished Choir Directors of the Moscow Synodal School. In her Preface the author defines the problem of the present status of Russian Orthodox Church Music and in her Introduction outlines "erroneous practices ... in danger of becoming permanent features" (p. 12). The Epilogue contains a discussion on the influence of the Bolshevik régime on both the structure of the church and its aesthetical outlook.