Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library

Degtiaryov, Stepan

Stepandegtiaryov crop

DEGTIARYOV (Dekhterev, Degtiaryovsky), Stepan Anikievich (b. 1766, the village Borisovka, in today’s Kursk district; d. 23 April [5 May] 1813, in today’s Kursk region)— was a serf of Count Sheremetev, in whose choir he sang from childhood; attended Moscow University, studied composition with Antonio Sapienza and Giuseppe Sarti; travelled to Italy to complete his musical education; for several years headed Count Sheremetev’s chorus and orchestra. From 1803, after receiving his freedom, lived in Moscow; later served one of the nobles in the Kursk district. Degtiaryov’s compositional activity includes both sacred and secular music; his most famous secular work is the oratorio Minin i Pozharsky, composed in 1811 on the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812. Degtiaryov’s sacred works were not published during his lifetime, but began appearing in the early the 20th c., primarily in various anthologies published by P. Kireyev, and in the editions of the journal Muzïka i penie. In terms of quality, they are uneven; in some instances one has to question their attribution. The sacred works attributed to Degtiaryov include approx. 40 concertos and 16 hymns from Divine Liturgy, All-Night Vigil, the Wedding Service, and various festal services. Since they are strongly influenced by Italian music, they are considered by many critics to be inappropriate for the liturgy, despite their popularity.

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Bozhe, Bozhe moi, vskuiu ostavil mia esi

O God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me

Sacred concerto

In vol.Shetnadtsat' dukhovnykh khorovykh kontsertov iz rukopisnykh sbornikov kontsa XVIII—nachala XIX vekov. Iz sobraniia Vserossiiskogo muzeinogo ob”edineniia muzykal'noi kul'tury imeni M. I. Glinki. Vyp. 2. Reconstruction and edition by Anton Viskov. M. [2018], pp. 30–40.


Bozhe, pesn’ novu

O God, a new song

Sacred concerto

Ps. 143[144]:9

Not found


Bozhe, pridosha iazytsy v dostoianie Tvoe

O God, the nations are come into Thine inheritance

Sacred concerto

Ps. 78[79]

In vol. Degtiarev S. A. Dvenadtsat' dukhovnykh kontsertov: dlia khora bez soprovozhd. / Foreword by. A. V. Lebedeva-Emelina. Commentary and scholarly reconstruction of the concertos by A. V. Lebedeva-Emelina (No. 1–8), N. I. Teterina (No. 9–12). M.: Zhivonosnyi Istochnik, 2006. p. 47–59


Da voskresnet Bog

Let God arise

Sacred concerto for Pascha

Ps. 67[68]:1

Not found


Da voskresnet Bog

Let God arise


Sacred concerto for Pascha

Ps. 67[68]:1

No. 11 in vol.: Istoricheskaia khrestomatiia tserkovnogo peniia, Vol. III, ed. by M. Lisitsyn, P. Seliverstov, 1902

Printed edition


Da vozraduetsia dusha moia

My soul shall rejoice in the Lord

Sacred concerto

Ps. 34[35]:9

Not found


Diven Bog vo sviatykh

God is wondrous in His saints

Sacred concerto

Ps. 67[68]:36

Not found


Dnes' griadite sobory vernykh (Dnes' priidite sobory vernykh)

Come today, ye assemblies of the faithful

Sacred concerto for St. Demetrius

Not found



Dnes' Khristos na Iordan priide

Today Christ comes to the Jordan


Sacred concerto for Theophany

Sticheron for Theophany

S(div)ATB and SSATBB Soli

No. 10, pp. 61-65, in vol.: Sbornik kontsertov soch. A. Vedelia i S. Degtiareva, No. 27, ed. by I.V.S. and K.I.K., P. Kireev, 1917

Printed edition

Defective original – missing last movement




Dnes' Khristos v Vifleeme razhdaetsia

Today Christ is born in Bethlehem


Sacred concerto for the Nativity of Christ

Sticheron for the Nativity of Christ

S(div)AT(div)B and SSATTB Soli

No. 38, pp. 65-68, in vol.: Sbornik dukhovno-muzykal'nykh pesnopenii raznykh avtorov, No. 7 Rozhdestvenskie pesnopeniia, ed. by N. D. Lebedev, P. Kireev, 1914

Printed edition

